Wake up refreshed. Get to bed at a decent hour the night before so you can be
your best.
2. Eat
a breakfast that is high in protein and complex carbs. This food will take a
while to break down in your body and keep you going, which is Important since
you can go long periods without eating.
Give yourself plenty of time to get ready. You want to be able to relax and
have a good time with your bridesmaids, not stress over whether you'll finish
in time.
Make sure you try your bridal makeup, hair and dress in advance so that on your
wedding day the process is smooth.
Wear a dress shirt when getting your hair styled. Brides often wear T-shirts
that have to be pulled over their freshly coiffed hair at the end. Dress shirts,
however, can be unbuttoned without doing any damage to you.
Don’t overdo the perfume. Heavy perfume can make you feel nauseous and even
attract bugs.
Don’t forget your wedding day survival kit.
Take a few selfies. These candid shots make a fun counterpoint to your
photographer's stylized professional shots.
9. But
other than that, put your phone away. Nothing is happening that's more
important than your wedding, OK?
Get loose before you walk down the aisle. Do some light stretching to release
tension and get your blood flowing so that you don't —gasp — pass out.
11. Be
magnanimous. Greet everyone with a smile even if it's your second cousin whom
you haven't spoken to in a couple years because she said that thing. No one
likes an angry bride, and you won't like being one either.
Keep one person close to you all the time, be it your cousin or friend who has
good rapo with you so that they will exclusively look after your personal
things. They can even help you to relieve your tension.
Appoint someone to save you from chatty guests. Inevitably someone, whether it's
your great aunt or the dad of your old college
roommate, will talk your ear off seemingly unaware it's your wedding day. That's
why having someone to politely pull you away is a must.
Have a moment with each of your parents.
Remember why you’re there. Amid all of the fun and celebration be sure to take
a moment to look over at the person you're pledging your life to and reflect on
the incredible journey that lies ahead of you both.